
Artiste aborigèneDebbie Brown belongs to one of the best-known artistic communities of the Australian central desert, that of Yuendumu where, in the 1970s, contemporary Aboriginal painting appeared at the same time as in Papunya.

Like the majority of Aboriginal painters, Debbie Brown evokes in her work a story of the primordial Dream Time during which mythical beings (the Lightning Men, the Rainbow Python, the Yam, etc.) crossed the Australia and founded the moral, religious and spiritual laws which still govern current Aboriginal culture.

In these paintings, it is about the Dream (Jukurrpa) of the ancestor of the Bush Tomato (Wanakiji) and his movements in the desert seen from the sky. As this legend can only be known in its details by the initiates of his people, the artist only indicates that it is linked to the sacred site of Yaturlu (Mount Theo), located north of Yuendumu. The lines that appear on the canvas symbolize, seen from the sky, the paths taken by the ancestor. The artist highlights them by using the multiple colors that adorn the plant.