
Maxie Tjampitjinpa is an Aboriginal artist from the Northern Territory. The painter belongs to the Warlpiri and Luritja community. He began painting in 1980, his mentor being one of the pioneers of the 1970s Papunya painting movement, Mick Jackamarra. The artist is one of the leading figures in Papunya, which is an important artistic centre for contemporary Aboriginal art in the Central Desert. Maxie Tjampitjinpa won the National Territory Art Awards in 1984. In 1988, at the peak of his career, he moved to the Wagga Wagga City Art Gallery artist residency.

Over the years, Maxie Tjampitjinpa has refined her style, characterised by filling in the background, which eventually becomes the main subject of the work. The traditional motifs disappear completely, and the works take on a highly abstract appearance with swarms of dotted lines. His works often depict the sacred sites of Warlpiri, Impalu and Warlukurlangu, of which the artist is the custodian.