
Samantha Wilson Napurrurla (1971- ) is from Yuendumu, an isolated Aboriginal community 290 km north-west of Alice Springs in Australia's North West Territory. The region around Yuendumu is the country of her father and grandmother.

She paints the stories associated with her father's and grandmother's country, which relate directly to the territory around Yuendumu. For example, she paints the Yurrampi Jukurrpa (dream of the honey ant) or the Wanakiji Jukurrpa (dream of the wild tomato).

As a child, Samantha stayed with her mother in Alice Springs, where she attended a convent before returning to Yuendumu to complete her schooling. She is now the mother of four children.

In her spare time, Samantha enjoys playing basketball and walking with her children in the bush around Yuendumu to tell them stories of her territory.