Ai Pugaik , 2007

Art : Aboriginal
Origine : Badu Island
Dimensions : 77 x 57 cm
Medium : Linocut, handcoloured
N° : 1892

‘Ai Pugaik means the cutting of a turtle or manatee. This engraving shows a young hunter cutting up a dhangal (manatee). His hand is guided by the elders, shown on the right, who instruct him in the practice. The women also play a very important role, as they carry the woven baskets in which the portions will be arranged. Alongside the Zogoaw Garka (the hunter who harpooned the dhangal), the women decide on the allocation of the portions; it is they who prepare the food and serve their families. The dhangal is cut with the sharp edge of a mai (pearl shell). Inside the mai is a diagram showing how to cut the dhangal. The man reads the diagram as he cuts, and the elders explain to him why the dhangal has to be cut in this way.