Body Painting , 2006

Art : Aboriginal
Origine : Utopia
Dimensions : 107 x 107 cm
Medium : Acrylic on canvas
N° : 2819

In this work, Abie Loy takes her inspiration from the body paintings used by herself and the women of her clan to celebrate the rites of which they are the guardians, commemorating their Great Ancestors (plant, animal or human) and the episodes of the Dreamtime in which they took part, creating sacred sites and ceremonies, imposing themselves as totemic figures, and teaching laws, customs and artistic practices (dance, song, painting and sculpture).

The dark background of the canva seems to evoke the artist's own skin, and here she offers a kind of indirect self-portrait, assimilating the support of the canvas to her own painted body to celebrate her personal and clan totems, such as the "bush hen" or the "sensitive", in whom she also sees a symbol of her own shyness.