Abie Loy is one of the new generation of artists living in the Utopia community, in the heart of the Australian desert. She began painting in 1994 on the advice of her grandmother, the famous Kathleen Petyarre, who guided her in her first works, inspired by the ‘dreams’ of which she is the ritual guardian: principally that of the Bush Leaves, of which this painting is a celebration.
Remarkable for the variation on the theme of dot painting, the impression of breathing that emanates from it, the hypnotic character of the motifs animated by a movement that is both centrifugal and centripetal, this painting itself proves the high degree of awareness and aesthetic success that Abie Loy has achieved - proof of the high quality of today's desert painting and of its own inventiveness.
he plant that thrives in the summer months is also a symbol of fertility in a region with a mostly arid climate. This canvas bears witness to the reality of this fertility, ensuring it for the future.
Bush Leaves (Blue, White, Gold) , 2024
Art : Aboriginal
Origine : Utopia
Dimensions : 122 x 122 cm
Medium : Acrylic on canvas
Price : Nous contacter/ Contact Us
N° : 4660