Djomi , 2022

Art : Aboriginal
Origine : Maningrida
Dimensions : 5 x 173 x 4,5 cm
Medium : Wood and natural pigments
N° : 4188
With this work, Joy Garlbin evokes one of the very powerful mermaid-spirit sisters found in her region: Djomi. She is a freshwater mermaid, while her sister Babbara is a saltwater mermaid. Their mother is a crocodile who lives in the Bábbarra water body. The two sisters have such strong powers that they can impregnate anyone who drinks from Bábbarra, even men. Their prodigious strength even allows them to attract rain and hurricanes to Bábbarra. A good way for apprentice fishermen not to mistake a barramundi fish for a mermaid is to spot white hairs on the fish, in which case it is a mermaid!