Marlette Ross NAPURRURLA

Karnta Jukurrpa (Womens Dreaming) , 2023

Art : Aboriginal
Origine : Yuendumu
Dimensions : 30 x 40 cm
Medium : Acrylic on canvas
Price : Nous contacter/ Contact Us
N° : 4578

Marlette Ross Napurrurla celebrates here a Dream (Jukurrpa) particular to the women (Karnta) who at the Dreamtime went to gather sweet berries in the sacred region of Mina Mina, to the west of Yuendumu. As the women Ancestors danced, digging sticks emerged from the ground. They grabbed them and continued their wanderings, dancing and creating sacred sites - rocks, waterholes, etc. - throughout their mythical journey. - throughout their mythical journey. The concentric circles symbolise the many sacred sites, while the coloured dots illustrate the profusion of bush bays.