Yumari Dreaming , 2021

Art : Aboriginal
Origine : Yuendumu
Dimensions : 46 x 91 cm
Medium : Acrylic on canvas
N° : 4079

 In this work, Alison Larry Nungarrayi evokes the sacred site of Yumari, a series of rocks to the west of Kintore in the Gibson Desert. This site is the site of a forbidden union between a man of the Japaljarri clan and a woman of the Nangala clan during the Dreamtime - the time of Creation for the Aborigines. This ‘Dreamtime’ is known only to the initiated, but this painting contains several elements of the traditional iconography of the desert peoples. The concentric shapes evoke the ‘narnirri’ rock holes of the Yumari region, and the lines that join them, the routes that must still be taken to reach them. Finally, the U-shaped forms symbolise the participants in the ceremonies as seen from the sky. Alison Larry Nungarrayi's choice of colours is original. The fluorescent palette gives the canvas a very modern look and a great deal of energy.