Mina Mina Dreaming , 2006

Art : Aboriginal
Origine : Yuendumu
Dimensions : 152 x 122 x 3 cm
Medium : Acrylic on canvas
Price : Nous contacter / contact us
N° : 4202

Originally from Yuendumu in the central Australian desert, Judy Watson's work evokes the Dream of Mina Mina, who belongs to the Napangardi and Napanangka women, two female clans in the Warlpiri family group.

 The central motif of this painting, the Ngalyipi, is a snake vine, a type of liana that grows along the trunks or branches of desert oaks. Sacred to Napangardi and Napanangka women, they use them as ornaments for ceremonies, as cords to hang Parrajas laden with food on their shoulders, and even as a remedy for headaches.)