Mountain Devil Lizard Dreaming , 2005

Art : Aboriginal
Origine : Utopia
Dimensions : 76 x 76 cm
Medium : Acrylic on canvas
N° : 2810

This work from Kathleen Petyarre, entitled 'The Dreaming of the Mountain Devil Lizard', is a perfect expression of the blend of aesthetic sense and sacred inspiration that is Aboriginal painting by women from the great communities of the Australian desert.

The artist's clan territory is represented here as if seen from the sky: in fact, this style, inspired by the floor paintings traditionally produced during religious ceremonies, is referred to as satellite vision. 

A ceremonial site is symbolised in the middle, in the form of a square with two intersecting lines. The upper, lower and right-hand sections represent male initiation areas.

The area on the left is where the women's (ceremonial) activity takes place. This centre therefore refers to the current life of the Aborigines in their clan territory. But as is often the case in the Aboriginal imagination, the past and the present are superimposed and intertwined: the part formed by the upper triangle and the one on the right still refers to the present.

Indeed, the line that is moving towards the right-hand corner of the canva shows the way to another clan territory, that of the Yam - the totem of the female painter Emily Kame Kngwarreye to whom this tribute is paid.

The line rising towards the top right-hand corner indicates the direction of the Emeu Ancestor's territory towards Tennant Creek. The opposite part of the canva, on the other hand, is mainly devoted to the legend of Arnkerrth, and in particular indicates the place where his spirit continues to live. This area is close to the places where the artist's father and grandfather exercised religious responsibilities. Towards the top left is another ritual site where the Lizard Ancestor performed a sacred dance in the Dreamtime.