In this painting, Aubrey depicts drawings associated with the Walungurru (Kintore) site, located deep in the Western Desert. During ancestral times, Ngintaka (gigantic varan) visited this site where he died and turned to stone, becoming the prominent mountain that marks the community.
The site is also associated with the secret-sacred cycle of the Tingari song, the content of which is known only to initiated Pintupi.
The Tingari, a group of ancestral Dreaming beings, roamed the country, performing rituals, creating and transforming important sites. Their adventures are recorded in numerous song cycles, and their stories form part of the initiatory teachings.
Untitled , 2020
Art : Aboriginal
Origine : Papunya
Dimensions : 122 x 122 x 3 cm
Medium : Acrylic on canvas
Price : Vendue/ Sold
N° : 4047