Wanakiji Jukurrpa - Bush Tomato Dreaming , 2013

Art : Aboriginal
Origine : Yuendumu
Dimensions : 122 x 46 cm
Medium : Acrylic on canvas
N° : 2629

Debbie Brown belongs to one of Australia's best-known central desert art communities, Yuendumu, where contemporary Aboriginal painting emerged in the 1970s alongside Papunya.

Like the majority of Aboriginal painters, Debbie Brown evokes here a story of the Dreamtime, during which mythical beings (the Lightning Men, the Rainbow Python, the yam, etc.) created Australia and founded the moral, religious and spiritual laws that still govern Aboriginal culture today.

In this painting, the artist evokes the Dream (Jukurrpa) of the Bush Tomato (Wanakiji). This small spiny plant has purple flowers that bear small green fruits filled with black seeds. The Aborigines remove these seeds with a kajalarra (small wooden spoon) to eat the fruit.

This Dreaming is known only to the initiated. We only know that it is linked to the sacred site of Yaturlu, north of Yuendumu. The multiple concentric circles on the canvas represent fruit at different stages of ripeness. Like most Central Desert artists, Debbie Brown uses dot painting.

This work is provided with a certificate of authenticity.