Here, Samantha Wilson Napurrurla represents the Wanakiji Jukurrpa (dream of the wild tomato). The 'Wanakiji' grows in the bush and is a small spiny plant with purple flowers that bears fleshy green fruit with many small black seeds. Once the fruit has been harvested, the seeds are removed using a small wooden spoon. The fruit can then be eaten raw or threaded onto skewers and cooked over a fire or left to dry.
Samantha Wilson Napurrurla is the 'guardian' of the place where the bush tomato grows, and as such she is responsible for carrying out the rituals required to maintain the fertility of the site concerned: To give the earth the spiritual strength it needs to support plant growth, the artist and the women of her clan group apply body paint, sing and dance during sacred ceremonies known as "awelye", during which the ground is also painted using the dotted line technique characteristic of Central Desert pictorial art, which Samantha Wilson Napurrurla uses here. In making this painting, she is performing a similar action.
Samantha Wilson NAPURRURLA
Wanakiji Jukurrpa (Bush Tomato Dreaming) , 2023
Art : Aboriginal
Origine : Yuendumu
Dimensions : 107 x 122 cm
Medium : Acrylic on canvas
Price : Nous contacter / contact us
N° : 4583