Wumera Nangamay #23 , 2024

Art : Aboriginal
Origine : Byron Bay
Dimensions : 100 x 100 cm
Medium : Acrylic on canvas
Price : Nous contacter/ Contact Us
N° : 4630

Konstantina, whose real name is Kate Constantine, is a contemporary Aboriginal artist descended from the Gadigal people. Her work tells the true story of her people. Passionate about her language, culture and history, she re-imagines the traditions of her people's painters and offers a modern narrative that enables all Australians to better understand that Aboriginal people are an integral part of the fabric of Australia.

The innate sense of belonging and participation in place is central to all First Nations people in Australia. 

With the Ngura series, Konstantina pays homage to her country, or Ngura, which is the lifeblood of the people.  This sense of place is a manifestation of attachment to the land and all the ties that bind her to it. 

‘The country, or Ngura, is the lifeblood of our people. It is the heart, soul and creator of culture. Ngura is the earth, the animals, the water, the sky and the air, but it is also the emotional feeling you get when you are in the country or working there for the betterment of our people and our culture. Ngura is also the spiritual manifestation of our connection and commitment to the country. It is this Ngura that indigenous artists channel in their work. It is a physical narration of our rich oral history. It allows us to remember our place, our ngura, as our ancestors did, and gives us the opportunity to preserve those memories and stories for future generations and millennia to come.’