Wumera Nangamay #24 , 2024

Art : Aboriginal
Origine : Byron Bay
Dimensions : 102 x 102 cm
Medium : Acrylic on canvas
N° : 4639

Konstantina is a contemporary Aboriginal artist of mixed heritage and descendant of the Gadigal people.

In the ‘Wumera Nangamaye’ series, Konstantina represents the land, or Ngura, which is the lifeblood of the people. For her, it is the heart, soul and creator of culture. Ngura is the earth, the animals, the water, the sky and the air, but it can also be the emotional feeling that the aborigines experience when they are in the country or working for the betterment of their people and their culture.

Ngura is also the spiritual manifestation of connection and commitment to the land. It is a physical narration of their rich oral history. It allows them to remember their place, their Ngura, as their ancestors did. The opportunity is to preserve these memories and stories for future generations.

From a photo of Lake Mackay, between Western Australia and the Northern Territories.