Editions Arts d'Australie - Stéphane Jacob, 2013
In association with Galerie Australis, Adelaide
Texts by Jane Raffan.
Bilingual work: French - English
Format / Dimensions 26 x 21 cm
Paperback, 52 pages, 36 illustrations
ISBN : 978-2-9544576-0-4
"Abie Loy Kemarre has established herself as the most important Aboriginal painter in the third generation of women painters from Utopia - in the heart of Australia, a legacy founded on the genius of Emily Kame Kngwarreye and Kathleen Petyarre, her grandmother. In Abie Loy's work, the signs and symbols associated with the ancestral culture and ceremonies of her people have been integrated to give birth to a new style. Her meticulous stippling and delicate lines give her canvases a hypnotic quality that borders on the sacred. The spiritual richness that lies at the heart of the work of this great figure of contemporary Aboriginal art is captured by the vibrancy that emanates from her canvases". Jane Raffan.