Ilma - Walkabout
Roy Wiggan, a high-ranking dignitary of the Bardi people, is the only person with the right to make ‘ilmas’, painted plywood panels with woollen weavings worn by dancers during religious ceremonies evoking the deeds of the Great Ancestors in the Dreamtime. Their extremely varied geometric shapes (circles, stars, crosses, arcs of circles) are the result of highly elaborate combinations that seem to materialise in space the traditional motifs of paintings on the ground - a kind of Aboriginal ‘mantras’ that have become veritable sculptures in this case.
• National Gallery of Australia, Canberra
• Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle, Lyon
• National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne
• National Maritime Museum, Darling Harbour, Sydney
• Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney
• Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Terrritory, Darwi
• Art Gallery of Western Australia, Perth
• Royal Perth Hospital Art Collection, Australie