Vaughan Springs Dreaming
Theo Hudson presents in his works his version of the Dream of Pikilyi, a sacred site where there is a water hole and a stream, not far from Yuendumu. Legend says that a couple of Rainbow Serpents lived there. Women came to remove lice attached to the bodies of the two mythical beings who, in exchange, gave them the right to take water from the stream. The Aborigines still today celebrate ceremonies in this place where the spirits of these two serpents still reside. Like most painters of the Central Desert, Theo Hudson uses "dot painting", or pointillism, which is inspired by the paintings on the ground traditionally made during ritual ceremonies. The resulting vibratory effect gives the very idea of ??life and reminds us that for the Aborigines, the Dreamtime does not belong to the past, but that the eternal present whose art and religious rites ensure permanence, it is above all continuous creation and energy.