Bush Leaves - Trellis , 2015

Art : Aboriginal
Origine : Utopia
Dimensions : 122 x 122 x 3 cm
Medium : Acrylic on canvas
N° : 2953

A close relative of the women artists who made the Utopia school famous, Abie Loy Kemarre has created a spectacular work here. Bush Leaves" was told to her by religious imperatives: this plant is linked to a sacred territory for which Abie Loy and her family are responsible.

By staging it, she is demonstrating her ritual 'ownership' of the site where the plant grows; she is fulfilling a duty to remember, since it was her ancestors who created the place.

The plant, which grows in the summer months, is also a symbol of fertility in a region where the climate is often arid. This canvas bears witness to the reality of this fertility, ensuring it for the future.