"Kurdaitcha - Ritual slippers , c. 1950

Art : Aboriginal
Origine : Autres / Others
Dimensions : 25 x 15 x 5 cm
Price : Nous contacter/ Contact Us
N° : 4512

‘Kurdaitcha’ or ‘Coordaitcha’ or ‘Goditcha’. These slippers are used by a ‘Shaman’ during the ‘Pointed Bone’ ceremony. Unlike the slippers worn on the feet, these unusual and rare slippers were worn like ‘mittens’ by the Shaman, who could thus move around on all fours, mimicking a wild animal on the prowl and enabling him to perform his magical acts in total discretion.

These ritual slippers are generally made from emu feathers. They are either slightly elongated or oval in shape. Once they have been put on, or slipped over the hands as shown here, they allow the wearer to move around without leaving a trace.

* The pointed bone: This bone is used to kill someone from a distance. Usually made from the tibia of a kangaroo, wallaby or man, the pointed bone takes on a very special dimension when made from the tibia of an ancient Shaman.

* The Pointed Bone Ceremony: Depending on the region where it is performed, the ceremony can take on many different forms. The ceremony is conducted by a Shaman assisted by a colleague. The bone is pointed at a designated culprit. 

Provenance: Jacques Villeminot Collection