In this work, Sabrina Robertson depicts the sacred site of Pirlinyarnu, 165 km west of Yuendumu, to which the Dreaming (Jukurrpa) of Water (Ngapa) is linked.
Legend has it that in the Dreamtime - the mythical time of creation for the Aborigines - two rainmaking ancestors from the Jangala family called for rain with their songs, triggering a huge storm. It mixed with another storm and moved along various clan territories. It was then seized by a brown hawk ancestor (kirrkarlanji) who let it fall on Pirlinyarnu, where a very large marsh (maluri) formed. This marsh still exists today and when it rains, hundreds of ducks (ngapangarla) gather there.
Like most artists in the Central Desert, Sabrina Robertson uses dot painting, inspired by the floor paintings traditionally created for ritual ceremonies. The resulting vibratory effect conveys the very idea of life, and reminds us that for the Aborigines, the Dreamtime does not belong to the past, but to the eternal present, whose permanence is ensured by art and religious rites, and that it is above all continuous creation and energy.
Sabrina Robertson NANGALA
Ngapa Jukurrpa - Water Dreaming - Pirlinyarnu , 2015
Art : Aboriginal
Origine : Yuendumu
Dimensions : 46 x 46 x 3 cm
Medium : Acrylic on canvas
N° : 3016