Bush Yam , 2020

Art : Aboriginal
Origine : Utopia
Dimensions : 91 x 152 cm
Medium : Acrylic on canvas
Price : Nous contacter / contact us
N° : 4389

Evelyn Pultara began painting in 1997. At first, she concentrated on more traditional motifs such as bush berries and awelye. Now, she is painting almost exclusively bush yam, an essential food for desert peoples who consider it a "dream".

The yam is a bush food harvested by the women of the Utopia community. Its roots, extending from the stem, can be up to 12 meters long.

The plant can be recognized by its green leaves and yellow flowers. The edible part is close to the roots, and must be located and dug up to be picked. This plant is generally found near a water source.