Art : Aboriginal
Origine : Région de Papunya
Dimensions : 107 x 28 cm
Medium : Acrylic on canvas
N° : 2861

With this beautiful painting, Richard refers to Kinyu, a sacred marshland site northeast of Jupiter Well (Western Australia).

Like all sacred sites, a legend or “Dreaming” from the Dreamtime - the time of Creation for the Aborigines - is linked to Kinyu, according to which Wayutu, the opposum ancestor, left the site, following in the footsteps of a group of ants heading north, then returned.

His movements through the desert formed the dunes. These are symbolized by the lines on the canvas, which also represent the undulations on the surface of the marshes.

We know only a tiny part of this Dream, for only the initiated know all its subtleties. As always in desert art, artists only evoke the Dreams they hold in a roundabout way.