This painting by Warlimpirrnga Tjapaltjarri is characteristic of Papunya Tula's style, and follows minimalist and graphic artistic codes. The forms are simple, geometric and linear, such as circles and quadrilaterals. Through the themes treated and the traditional Aboriginal pointillism, these motifs are reminiscent of cave paintings and floors painted during traditional ceremonies. The motifs are frequently repeated and concentric, giving the works a kinetic, hypnotic dimension and movement. As is often the case in his paintings, this work represents a mythological narrative, in this case that of the Tingari cycles, linked to the sites of Kanapilya and Marawa.
Warlimpirrnga TJAPALTJARRI
Tingari Cycle , 1996
Art : Aboriginal
Origine : Région de Papunya
Dimensions : 122 x 35 cm
Medium : Acrylic on canvas
Price : Nous contacter/ Contact Us
N° : 4484