Since 2009, a new artistic movement - ghost net sculptures - has emerged in Australia. Ghost nets are scraps of drift nets lost or abandoned by trawlers operating in the Timor Sea. Like anti-personnel mines, they continue to capture marine species, many of which are endangered, such as turtles, sharks, dugongs, crocodiles and whales. Faced with this scourge, Australian artists have decided to create sculptures from this debris to alert the general public to the catastrophic consequences caused by this pollution, not only for the marine environment but also for the culture of these people of the sea. Indeed, for these communities, many of these animals have a totemic value.
Reef Trophy I , 2021
Art : Western
Origine : Autres / Others
Dimensions : 20 x 20 x 20 cm
Medium : Ghostnet
Price : Nous contacter / contact us
N° : 4255