Fréquences Brutes

The exhibition "Fréquences brutes - Pour un manifeste écoesthétique #1" can be seen until 4 June 2023 at The Bridge, Galerie Christian Berst, 3-5 Passage des Gravilliers, 75003 Paris.
Curator: Pascal Pique, Le Musée de l'Invisible.
Gallery artists and guest artists : Basserode, Julius Bockelt, Charley Case, Philippe Deloison, Fernand Desmoulin, Jean-Luc Favero, Xie Hong, Hamish Karrkarrhba, André Hemelrijk, Arthur Lambert, Anaïs Lelièvre, José Lepiez, Sandra Lorenzi, Myriam Mechita, Paul Nabulumo Namarinjmak, Daniaux & Pigot, Isabelle Perú, Olivier Raud, Yuichi Saito, Erik Samakh, Lia Anne T, Vladimir Skoda, Wiktoria, Henriette Zéphir and Mother Nature.
"Everything is energy, vibrations and frequencies. Including works of art and their images. The exhibition Fréquences brutes explores this little-known and underestimated reality. Like an amateur's cabinet or an alchemist's laboratory, it brings together works of Aboriginal art, creations of mineral and plant nature, art brut and contemporary Western art. Pascal Pique
Wednesday to Sunday, 2pm to 7pm.
3-5 Passage des Gravilliers 75003 PARIS
christian berst art brut
Paul Nabulumo Namarinjmak, Ngalyod serpent arc-en-ciel, Natural pigments on bark, 170 x 64 x 3 cm, 2003
Paul Nabulumo Namarinjmak, Esprit Mimih, Natural pigments on wood, 18 x 3 x 3 cm, 2018
06 April - 04 June 2023
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